
The man who
changed everything

Madman who once warned people about the danger, though became one of the fathers of Chrono theory and as a result of their discoveries became one of the wealthiest men, remained saddened until the end of his life because he could not find a way that would have healed one of his two children. Incurable disease bound the body of his son in the childhood. The boy was almost deprived from opportunity to interact with people and the outside world. Father tried to communicate with the consciousness of the paralyzed son directly using ideas saved in the form of subtle matter.

Not knowing the evil of external world the boy grew up in a virtual world created from a binary matter, which replaced reality for him. Therefore, being together with a twin brother the heir of incredibly vast fortune, he spent his share of the inheritance to generate a huge amount of binary matter. He spent his long life designing some semblance of sense organs from subtle matter, through which he was able to partially interact with reality and other people-ignoring sarcophagus of insensible flesh. He managed to hold by an effort of will all the elements of own personality created from a binary matter tied to his consciousness.

At the moment of his death, died only his physical body. For many years having learned to exist independently of the infirm body, his mind remained alive. With the death of the shell, he appeared in a radiant ethereal body before accompanied him on his last journey people, marking a new stage of human evolution. It turned out that human personality with all the peculiarities and some semblance of senses can be completely transferred to the ideas. Consciousness will continue its life in the body of subtle matter.

Chasing the dream